Thursday, March 31, 2011

Getting so close!

My half marathon is in 11 days. Am I ready? I think I am mentally ready, but physically is not as sure. I plan to finish. I plan to take less than 3 hours, 15 minutes. I plan on walking at least some of it.

Have I lost weight? No. I feel better about myself. I feel healthier for the most part. I have started looking into another half marathon. I plan to keep working out! I like this change in mentality, even if I don't have results visually yet.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Feel the burn

So after a 7 mile workout in 90 minutes on Thursday, followed by a 25 minute cool down, I knew that I would be sore. I honestly thought my level of discomfort would be higher than it was, and it was truly only bad when I had been sitting for a long time and then went to move. Soccer last night did not hurt too much after I warmed up, either, which was also very encouraging.

With the workout plan that I have formulated, I have a hard workout where I am truly working on increasing time and/or distance. Then an easy run of shorter time and distance the next day. Day 3 is a day off from running, but not necessarily being lazy. These are days to workout while at work if I get the chance. The 4th day is then another easy workout, followed by another hard workout. This way I am pushing my time and distance without burning myself out.

Before I decided to do the Corvallis Half Marathon on April 10th, I bought 3 Jillian Michaels workout DVDs. This was my way of committing to work out. Workout videos have never been my thing, and I don't admit this lightly. But because I was finding ways to get out of working out, and seeing changes that I did not like at all, I needed to do SOMETHING to make me stick to a routine.

Hard workout Thursday, soccer for moderate workout Friday, and work today means an alternative means of being active. My new DVDs arrived just yesterday and I figured once the clients went to bed I could pop one of those in and be just fine. I chose a 50 minute plan, including 5 minutes each of warm up and cool down times. I did not finish. That workout was butt kicking... I made it half way! I will say that some of this is directly due to residual soreness from marathon training 2 days ago, but the fact is that it was also just that challenging! So with that said, tomorrow is a moderate run, and I am really going to try and bring in some more of this workout video too!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Major workout update!

I signed up for a half marathon. The event is April 10th, 2011. I will have up to 4.5 hours to finish, but do not plan on using all that time. I did a good starter workout today, just to see where I am at. I don't feel as crazy or scared as I did when I clicked "register now" for this half marathon.

I am going running more, and today just showed that I am not in a bad spot to consider doing this!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Workin' Hard for the Dollar!

I am at work right now, but wanted to share this list:
Hillbilly Medical Terms

Benign......What you be affter you be eight.
Bacteria....Back door to cafeteria
Barium......What you do with dead folks
Cesarrean Section....A neighborhood in Rome
CAT scan....Searching for the cat
Cauterize...Made eye contact with her
Colic.......A sheep dog
Coma........A punctuation mark
D & C.......Where Washington is
Dilate......To live longer than your kids do.
Enema.......not a friend
Fester......quicker than someone else
Fibula......A small lie
G.I. Series....World series of military baseball.
Hangnail....what you hang your coat on
Impotent....distinguished, well known
Labor Pain..getting hurt at work
Morbid.....a higher offer than I did
Nitrates....cheaper than day rates
Medical Staff....A doctor's cane, sometimes shown with a snake.
Node.......I knew it
Outpatient....A person who has fainted
Pap smear....A fatherhood test
Pelvis.....Second cousin to Elvis
Post Operative....a letter carrier
Recovery to do upholstery
Secretion......hiding something
Terminal illness.....getting sick at the train station
tumor......more than one
Urine.....opposite of mine
hospital.....the biggest building in town, other than Joe's feed warehouse or Frank's

That aside, I have been eating a LOT of chocolate recently! I have been doing more running, walking, playing with the dog and have started into that spring-time rush of yard work! I have been doing more cooking while at home, and am feeling pretty good. I have joined a second soccer team, at least for the first half of this current season. This is something I would like to make more permanent, playing 2 days per week. I have also decided that I would like to start clocking/mapping some of my jogging routes to continue to monitor my workout progress.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Of little words

I don't have much to say today, but would like to mention how much I love versatility. An item that can be used for many outcomes is wonderful! I may be a bit narrow in this, but right now there is a stamp that I have recently acquired that is proving to be versatile for me. Check out these 2 cards:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lazy in some ways, but not in others

I am lazy.  Some days I do not want to get off the couch.  Some days I just want to lounge, munch and doze.  Today involved lots of Grey's Anatomy, my artfire shop, facebook, and just in general laziness.  In my defense, even though today was fairly lazy day, there were also the 2 soccer games that I played resulting in a total of over an hour an a half of intense activity.  Despite all of that laziness, I feel as though today was a day of triumph for my new years goals.

I only spent 3.41 at the craft store today, and just as importantly I did not buy just to buy, which I am certainly guilty of. There were just 2 items and both with projects in mind.  I got most of the dishes done, which has become my most disliked household chore recently (replacing laundry, which was the long time front runner). I played with the dog, who sadly gets ignored more than I want to admit. I snuggled with the cat because Aaron isn't home and I am Kodak's second choice person.  I thought about the wedding.  I decided to get a swiffer wet jet but forgot to actually buy it.  I played lots of soccer, which has left me very tired and sore. I am hoping for a fraction of the energy that got expended today to be available for tomorrow.

Laziness aside, today was a good day in the grand scheme of 2011. Now for a good night's sleep and and a chin up kind of morning!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rainy day and lacking motivation

I have a case of the Mondays. Only it is Saturday and there should not be ANY sense of the Mondays- I just got off work today, so I don't have to be back until Tuesday, I got paid yesterday, it is a holiday weekend, my job also made an error in my favor in terms of paychecks and will be getting a small but additional paycheck early next week. These all seem like good things.

The downers comes from uncertainty about if I will have a soccer team next season, and the fact that I would actually like to be playing on 2 teams, money is still of concern. There is also the issue of rapidly approaching taxes, which is a scary thing to think about between my 2 independent contractor jobs. Makes me appreciative to have a job that does withholdings, even if it is not the dream job I had hoped for.

I am getting really nervous about my vet school application, too. I have not heard from OSU. I really am hoping for an interview. REALLY hoping. Beyond that, really hoping for admission, even though it will eat my soul for the next 4 years of my life. I have several friends in vet school, and all I hear is how bad it is, how it's crazy, how I am lucky I am not in, how hard it is, how brutal the tests are, and all this negativity. I want it so bad that the thought of another denial breaks me, and breaks out the tears.

With this, I am sitting on the couch and have little motivation to do much of anything. Does not help that I am thoroughly enjoying TV via netflix and my wii. I am catching up on Grey's Anatomy- or rather starting over from the beginning. I will have to do something active while I watch, but again, motivation.

And now for the mental shake, and pep talk in a big, unwavering voice. Lets get out of this funk, and DO something! C'mon self! How badly do you want these goals? Well go get 'em!